This is an online platform for AIAC members to discuss issues and ideas relating to their role on the Committee.
See the panels to the right for meeting dates, important documents and web links, and staff contacts. If you require support in using this page or have suggestions for how to improve the content please let staff know.
There are currently two tabs beneath this text to contribute and communicate with other members. The below instructions explain how to use these tabs.
Add your thoughts or ideas for discussion - The first tab is used to post thoughts and ideas for discussion with the group. Click on 'Add your thoughts or ideas for discussion', then click in the text box beneath 'Share your story' and type in a title for your post. You can then add text to the message as well as pictures, videos, web links, and formatting. When you are finished click 'Create'. Others will then be able to view and respond to your post.
Access and Inclusion Map - This next tab allows you to add 'pins' or 'spots' on a City of Casey map. Click on 'Access and Inclusion Map', then click on 'Go to Map'. Further instructions are then provided within the map itself. It is hoped that over time we can develop a map of access or inclusion within the City of Casey, including current issues, ideas for consideration, and great examples of existing projects.
AIAC is made up of community members from all walks of life, ensuring a range of different perspectives are heard. AIAC influences and advocates on issues such as:
- social and economic disadvantage
- cultural and linguistic diversity
- people living with a disability
- older people and ageing positively
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander inclusion
- religious diversity
- LGBTIQ+ inclusion
- emerging issues relating to access and inclusion