Background Information

City of Casey seek to inform the community on the proposed boundary change adjacent to Morison Road in Clyde and Berwick-Cranbourne Road, East Cranbourne. The realignment is required as the current locality boundary does not comply with Geographic Names Victoria’s (GNV) Naming rules for places in Victoria 2022.

The following GNV Naming Principles apply:

  • Section 2 - General Principles Principle (A) – Ensuring public safety – Geographic names and boundaries must not risk public and operational safety for emergency response or cause confusion for transport, communication, and mail services.
  • Section 5 – Localities 5.2.1 – Boundaries 2. If residents and businesses in minor roads are deemed to be part of the same community, it is advisable to place the locality boundary along the back boundary of properties facing the road. 5.7 What should not be done? Locality boundaries must not bisect properties or land

Geographic Names Victoria (GNV) requires community consultation when Council is proposing an alteration to a locality (suburb) boundary. As such, Council will consult with existing residents and land owners directly by mail and the wider Casey community through print and online media channels. You can view GNV's website and further information here.

You can also view GNV Naming Rules here.

Members of the public can provide feedback regarding this proposal by the following methods:

Any feedback or submissions must be received within 30 days of the date of this notification and must comply with the Naming rules as stated above.

Should you have any queries regarding this proposal, please contact Fiona Baker, Geographical Naming Officer on 03 9705 5200.

proposed boundary realignment