Consultation has concluded

The City of Casey’s 2019/20 Budget funds Council’s largest ever Capital Works Program (CWP) and supports the delivery of 66 important services to the community.

Following a four-week community consultation period where residents were invited to view and have their say on the draft budget, Council adopted the final budget at a Council meeting on Tuesday 18 June 2019, along with the revised Council Plan 2017-21 and Annual Action Plan 2019/20.

Through financially responsible budgeting, Council has been able to continue its strong investment in the necessary projects and services for Casey’s large and rapidly growing community. It includes:

  • A $151.5 million CWP to deliver more than 330 infrastructure projects across Casey, in both our new and growing communities as well as our established suburbs.
  • A $344.8 million operating budget that provides funding to deliver 66 core services to the community
  • A rates increase of 2.5% in line with the State Government rate cap.
  • The budget funds the priorities aligned with our 2017-21 Council Plan and supports Council to continue to work towards delivering on our vision of creating Australia’s most liveable city.

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Q & A's

The Casey Conversations page is filled with information including major projects in each ward and a Frequently Asked Questions section. If you still have a question in regards to the 2019-20 Draft Budget, submit your question here and a Council officer will respond to your query publicly on this platform. Please be aware that your username will be published.

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