Project update

Council officers have undertaken a number of assessments in response to community feedback and requests following the flooding of Centre Road in Narre Warren and Hallam in November 2022.

Centre Road bridge over Troups Creek

Council undertook a detailed condition assessment of the Centre Road bridge over Troups Creek in response to community requests to reopen it as an alternative emergency access during flooding of Centre Road.

The feasibility of reopening the bridge as an emergency access was evaluated based on a number of factors, including structural condition, cost of rehabilitation works, ongoing viability and access window. The assessment found that reopening the bridge as an alternative emergency route is not a feasible option due to the structural condition of the bridge not being able to support vehicle use, the substantial cost of rehabilitation works, the limited window of time during which the bridge could be in use, and the traffic challenges and safety concerns resulting from the reopening of the bridge.

Water logging

Occupants in Rimfire Drive, Hallam, have raised concerns about water logging behind the factories. Council has worked with Level Crossing Removal authority to address this issue and a swale drainage system was formalised with adequate buffers from the industrial buildings to resolve the water logging at the back of the factories.

Lifting of Centre Road

Council has undertaken a survey of road levels to identify the low points of Centre Road between Shrives Road and Hallam South Road. Council is currently undertaking further engineering assessment to understand design constraints, including impact on any upstream flooding, safe reduction of flood level, modifications required on crossover and driveways of private properties and cost of works to address the viability of lifting the road at low points.

Project info

The City of Casey hosted two online community meetings on Monday 28 November 2022 to address the flooding on Centre Road in Narre Warren and Hallam.

Meetings were held for business owners and staff in the Rimfire Drive Industrial Estate as well as people residing in the Casey Greens Estate.

Council and other relevant agencies provided an update on the situation, what solutions have been identified to reduce flooding on Centre Road, and how community members could prepare for future flood events.

Prior to the meeting, community members were invited to submit questions. Answers to all questions received have been posted below.


These are the answers to questions posed both online and during the information sessions