Project info

The City of Casey will be implementing an initial fee and resubmission fee for the assessment of development engineering plans from 1 July 2024.

The new fees will support the administration of the services and will be implemented in two stages.

Step one: From 1 July 2024, a fee will be implemented on initial drainage plan submissions.

Step two: From 1 January 2025, a fee will be implemented on the assessment of re-submitted plans.

Please let us know of any comments, concerns or suggestions via the form below. We seek your valuable feedback on the introduction of these fees by 16 June 2024.

Initial Fee and Re-Submission fee amounts



Residential development up to and including 2 units


Residential development between 3 and 10 units


Small commercial/industrial*


Multi-lot development/Large commercial and industrial*


Re-submission fee $230

*Small Commercial/Industrial

  • Commercial and industrial development less than 2000m2

*Multi-lot development/Large commercial and industrial

  • Commercial and industrial development greater than or equal to 2000m2; and
  • Residential multi units/lots greater than 10 units/lots

NOTE- This new fee does not apply to subdivisions which are prescribed by the Subdivision Act 1988. This applies only for the engineering assessment related to development permits and is a fee set at Council’s discretion.


Initial Fees

  • Review and Approval of Engineering Development plans to cover the cost of resources utilised for the process.
  • Financial sustainability & management of Council operations.
  • Improve the quality of engineering submissions.

Re-submission fees

  • Reduce processing/approval time of engineering submissions.
  • Increase in productivity for both internal and external stakeholders.

Council’s commitment

  • We will be improving the information available on the website to ensure high quality submissions including publishing our checklists and outlining minimum requirements for submissions.
  • Create a new submission portal to assist and streamline the submission process.
  • Committing to providing only one set of comments.

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