Project info

Bunjil Place exists within a community of diverse cultures and identities. We hope that all community members find something to enjoy within our venue, but we also know that the goal of cultural equity requires focused and ongoing effort.

We are currently working on the development of a Cultural Equity Action Plan, to ensure that this important community facility is welcoming for all members of our community and enables participation by people with diverse lived experiences. We are keen to hear from as many voices as possible, to help us identify ways that we can improve our engagement with diverse audiences, artists and team members.

We invite you to participate in an anonymous survey, to share your experiences, hopes and ideas for a culturally equitable Bunjil Place. Your responses will help us understand what we are already doing well, and importantly, what can be improved. We look forward to hearing many diverse perspectives over the coming weeks.

To provide your feedback, please complete the survey below.

Consultation closes on 22 July 2022.