Hampton Park Hill Development Plan

The Hampton Park Hill Development Plan, July 2023 (the Plan) was adopted by Council in July 2023 where it was also resolved to request Ministerial consent for the preparation and exhibition of Planning Scheme Amendment C294 to the Casey Planning Scheme.

C294 proposes to amend Schedule 1 to the Special Use Zone and replace Schedule 1 with a new Schedule 25 to the Development Plan Overlay. The changes proposed by C294 will assist in implementing the adopted Plan.

Further details about Planning Scheme Amendment C294 will become available once the Minister for Planning has authorised the preparation and exhibition of the amendment.

A report was presented to the Council Meeting in February 2024 providing an update on the proposed Buffer Area Overlay Planning Scheme Amendment which proposed to apply the overlay over existing residential development within 500 metres of the existing Hallam Road landfill for the purposes of managing potential risk of landfill gas migration.

The February 2024 council report notes that further investigation on whether an amendment should proceed should be deferred until the Environment Protection Authority publishes their new guidelines on buffers for landfills.

Any future council report is likely to make an assessment of the benefits and disbenefits of introducing a Buffer Area Overlay and seek direction from Council on whether to proceed with the planning scheme amendment.

Where the adopted Development Plan applies

The adopted Plan applies to land in Hampton Park as shown in Figure 1 below. The precinct is generally bounded by Ormond Road and Central Road to the north, the transmission line easement to the east, Glasscocks Road to the south, and Hallam Road/South Gippsland Highway to the west.

The Development Plan provides guidance for future planning permit applications in the development plan area. Future planning permit applications under DPO1 that are in accordance with the Development Plan are exempt from public notice in the Casey Planning Scheme. The Development Plan also provides strategic direction for land use and development within 500 metres of the landfill (the landfill buffer).

Council’s role as a ‘Responsible Authority’ is to consider and decide on a Development Plan in accordance with State Government policy and the provisions of the Casey Planning Scheme. The Development Plan must be consistent with State Government policies, and it should be noted that the State Government has identified Hampton Park Hill site as one of 22 hubs of State importance for ‘waste and resource recovery’ activities to service the local needs of Casey community and the needs of the region.

Therefore, the Plan and any associated planning scheme amendment must be consistent with State Government policies, including Plan Melbourne 2017-2050, the State-wide Waste and Resource Recovery Implementation Plan 2018 and the Hallam Waste and Resource Recovery Plan 2021

The Development Plan will facilitate new employment land to increase local job opportunities. A key objective of the Plan is to ensure Casey's growing population has access to local employment. A new attractive and accessible public open space area will be realised through the Plan, with paths connecting all sides of the precinct, which will allow the local community to enjoy more open space.

The Plan includes three staging maps below that guide the evolution of the area within the Development Plan.


Transfer Station Planning Permit Application PA23/0694

A planning permit application for a Transfer Station was lodged by Veolia Australia and New Zealand with City of Casey on 29 December 2023 for land at 290 Hallam Road Hampton Park which is located within the Development Plan boundary.

It is important to note that in accordance with the provisions of the Casey Planning Scheme, the City of Casey is unable to formally consider any ‘submissions/objections’ made to the planning permit application as the existing Development Plan Overlay exempts the planning permit application from public notice and third-party appeal rights.

More information about the Transfer Station planning permit application is provided in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Sheet (January 2024). The purpose of the FAQ sheet is to provide basic information about the planning permit application for the Transfer Station and the role of the Hampton Park Hill Development Plan. The FAQ sheet also provides a brief update on the status of proposed Planning Scheme Amendment C294 and the investigation of the need for a Buffer Area Overlay.

Enquires about the Planning Permit Application PA23/0694 should be made to:

City of Casey, Customer Service on 03 9705 5200

Email: caseycc@casey.vic.gov.au

NOTE: Please quote the planning application number PA23/0694 in any written correspondence sent to Council.