![translation services contact](https://hdp-au-prod-app-csy-conversations-files.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/4916/3045/2813/TIS_contact_with_translations2.docx.png)
Project Information
The City of Casey is seeking community feedback on two proposed names for a Recreation Reserve at 81-83 Browns Road in Botanic Ridge.
The Recreation Reserve is currently under construction and will include two full-sized Australian Rules football/cricket ovals, two netball courts, cricket training nets, a multi-use community pavilion, shared paths, sports lighting, fencing, car parking, landscaping and public art.
The Recreation Reserve is expected to be ready for use in the 2023 winter season.
As this area is of high cultural significance to the local Indigenous people, Council’s Reserve Naming Working Group consulted with the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation regarding appropriate Traditional Owner language for the name of the Reserve.
The two proposed names are:
- Bun Ger Look Recreation Reserve – translates to stringy bark (silver); and
- Booring Recreation Reserve – translates to bandicoot.
These names represent the Indigenous flora and fauna of the area.
We invite you to vote for your preferred name by completing the form below by 12pm Friday 26 August 2022.
These names comply with Geographic Names Victoria (GNV) Naming Rules for Places in Victoria 2022 guidelines. https://www.land.vic.gov.au/place-naming/understand-the-naming-process/the-naming-rules.
City of Casey invite community to vote or provide feedback. When the poll is completed, the name with the most votes will be referred to the Director Community Life for endorsement. Once endorsed, the proposal will then be submitted to GNV for final approval.
You can provide a response by 1) simply providing a quick poll of your preferred name, or 2) by providing a submission in support of your decision by the closing date (26 August 2022) Please vote using one method only. If you would like to keep updated regarding this consultation please click the 'Follow' button at the top of the page.
Option 1) Quick Poll
Please select your preferred name
This poll has concluded.
- • Bun Ger Look Recreation Reserve – translates to stringy bark (silver) 46% (113 votes)
- • Booring Recreation Reserve – translates to bandicoot 54% (134 votes)