The City of Casey is undertaking an Access and Movement Study for the Fountain Gate Narre Warren CBD area to improve access and movement to and around the Centre.

We are keen to understand how and why you travel to Narre Warren Fountain Gate and what we can do to make your trip easier, more affordable and more sustainable.

Our consultation is now closed for feedback but we will report back soon.

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Survey on your trips to Narre Warren

Your Trips to Narre Warren

How long does it usually take you to travel to Fountain Gate Narre Warren? Required
How far do you typically travel to Fountain Gate Narre Warren (estimate)? Required
If there was a driverless / autonomous shuttle bus circling around the main areas of Fountain Gate Narre Warren would you use it? Required
How likely are you in the next 5 years to purchase an electric vehicle? Required
How often have you used a bike share program? Required
What is your age bracket? Required
What is your gender? Required
What is your household income bracket? Required
Is the following a factor as to why driving is not your main mode of transport to Fountain Gate Narre Warren? Required
Not really
Option 5
Dont' own a car / Don't like to drive / Don't have a licence
Driving is more expensive
I do not like to drive
Too hard to find car parking
I do not obtain a driver licence
Statement 4
Is the following a factor as to why walking is not your main mode of transport to Fountain Gate Narre Warren? Required
Not Really
Takes too long
Don't feel safe
Don't like walking
Don't like walking / Too hot and sweaty when I arrive
Poor walking paths on my route
The weather
Have other errands to do e.g. drop off kids
Is the following a factor as to why using the train is not your main mode of transport to Fountain Gate Narre Warren? Required
Not really
Not comfortable
Too expensive
Takes too long
Trains not frequent enough
Station is too far from where I need to be (e.g. my work)
Station too far from my home
Bus and train timetables do not connect
Have other errands to do e.g. drop off kids
Is the following a factor as to why cycling is not your main mode of transport to Fountain Gate Narre Warren? Required
Not Really
Don't feel safe riding on the road
Poor bike paths on my route
Don't know how / Don't own a bike / Don't like cycling
Don't like cycling
The weather / Too hot and sweaty when I arrive
No shower or bike parking at the end
Takes too long
I'm inexperienced
The weather
Have other errands to do e.g. drop off kids
How likely are you to consider cycling to Fountain Gate Narre Warren for some trips if there was…? Required
Very likely
Safer on-road bike lanes
Better signage
Safe bike parking, and showers at destination/work
Better path lightning
Better off-road bike paths
Is the following a factor as to why using the bus is not your main mode of transport to Fountain Gate Narre Warren? Required
Not really
Not comfortable
Too expensive
Takes too long
Bus is not frequent enough
Bus stops are too far from my home
Bus stops are too far from where I need to be (e.g. my work)
Bus and train timetables do not connect
Have other errands to do e.g. drop off kids
To what degree would the following changes to bus services increase your likelihood of travelling to Fountain Gate Narre Warren by bus? Required
Very unlikely
Very Likely
More frequent buses
Bus stops closer to my home
Bus services later in the day/evening
Buses that connected with train services better (e.g. less wait time)
More direct bus routes
Bus stops closer to my destination (e.g. work)
What is your industry of employment? Required
What is usually your main reason for visiting Fountain Gate Narre Warren? Required
What is typically your main mode of transport to Fountain Gate Narre Warren? Required
After Covid19 restrictions are lifted do you anticipate working from home more than previously? If so how many days per week do you anticipate this? Required
  1. Convenience #
  2. Cheapest option #
  3. Quickest option #
  4. Lack of alternatives #
  5. Habit #

Thanks for your patience just a few more questions!

Don't forget to add your email at the end to go in the draw.

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The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Your Trips to Narre Warren

What are the most important reason(s) for you choosing your typical mode of transport to get to Fountain Gate Narre Warren? Required
How long does it usually take you to travel to Fountain Gate Narre Warren? Required
How far do you typically travel to Fountain Gate Narre Warren (estimate)? Required
Do you have off-street car parking in your primary residence? Required
How likely are you in the next 5 years to purchase an electric vehicle? Required
What is your age bracket? Required
What is your gender Required
What is your household income bracket (optional)? Required
Is the following reasons a factor as to why walking is not your main mode of transport to Fountain Gate Narre Warren? Required
Not Really
Definitely disagree
Takes too long
Don't feel safe
Don't like walking
Too hot and sweaty when I arrive
No shower or bike parking at the end
Takes too long
I'm inexperienced
Poor walking paths on my route
The weather
To what degree would the following changes to bus services increase your likelihood of travelling to Fountain Gate Narre Warren by bus? Required
Very unlikely
Very Likely
More frequent buses
Bus stops closer to my home
Bus services later in the day/evening
Buses that connected with train services better (i.e. less wait time)
More direct bus routes
Bus stops closer to my destination (i.e. work)
Is the following reasons a factor as to why driving is not your main mode of transport to Fountain Gate Narre Warren? Required
Not really
Definitely disagree
I do not own a car
Driving is more expensive
I do not like to drive
Too hard to find car parking
I do not obtain a driver licence
Is the following reasons a factor as to why cycling is not your main mode of transport to Fountain Gate Narre Warren? Required
Not Really
Don't feel safe riding on the road
Poor bike paths on my route
Don't know how or don't own a bike
Don't like cycling
Too hot and sweaty when I arrive
No shower or bike parking at the end
Takes too long
I'm inexperienced
The weather
Is the following reasons a factor as to why public transport is not your main mode of transport to Fountain Gate Narre Warren? Required
Not really
Somewhat disagree
Definitely disagree
Not comfortable
Too expensive
Takes too long
Public transport is not frequent enough
Bus stops are too far from my home
Bus stops are too far from where i need to be (i.e. my work)
Bus and train timetables do not connect
How likely are you to cycle to Fountain Gate Narre Warren if there was...? Required
Very unlikely
Very likely
Option 6
Safer bike paths
Better signage
More technology
Facilities such as bike parks, showers at work etc.
Better street lightning
Have you ever used a Bike Share program? Required
Of the areas shown on the map, which area do you usually work in? Required
What is usually your main reason for visiting Fountain Gate Narre Warren? Required
What is typically your main mode of transport to Fountain Gate Narre Warren? Required
What is your industry of employment? Required
If there was a driverless/autonomous shuttle bus circling around the main areas of Fountain Gate Narre Warren Would you use it? Required

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The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

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