
Survey Results

5 May 2020

Council invited all members of the Casey Community to provide input into the Pearcedale Recreation Reserve Master Plan via the completion of a survey on Casey Conversations. Key stakeholders (tenant sporting clubs, surrounding residents/users) and broader Pearcedale and Casey community were notified via – email, hardcopy mail drop to surrounding residents, and social media advertisements to promote engagement in the survey.

The feedback from the survey provided great insights and a summary of results obtained are as follows:

  • 90 surveys were completed.
  • 44% of respondents were from Pearcedale Baxter Junior Football Club, 33% Pearcedale Football Club and 28% were not members of any club at the reserve.
  • Generally respondents rated the sporting and non-sporting areas within the reserve as Fair – Poor.
  • 62% of respondents utilised the reserve for personal exercise, 60% to watch sport and 58% to play sport.
  • Respondents were asked to provide three suggestions for improvements they would like to see at the Reserve.

The suggestions most commonly listed for sports facilities were;

  • Upgrade pavilion facilities on both ovals
  • Build new netball facility
  • Improve drainage on both ovals
  • Increase spectator seating and shelter

Other suggested improvements within other areas of the reserve included;

  • Improve roads, traffic flow, parking space and reserve access points
  • Upgrade playground
  • Increase and improve paths

Council will now develop the draft Master Plan of the site which will be utilised for further consultation with users and local community prior to implementation.