The purpose of the proposed Local Law is to revoke the Local Law No. 1 (2016) – Meeting Procedures and Use of the Common Seal.
The proposal was made due to the transition to the new Local Government Act 2020, which requires Councils to create Governance Rules.
These Governance Rules replace the Local Law No. 1 (2016) – Meeting Procedures and Use of the Common Seal.
Casey City Council endorsed the Governance Rules on 18 August 2020.
Any person may make a written submission on the proposal under section 223 of the Act, and submissions must be received by Thursday, 8 October 2020.
Submissions made under section 223 of the Act are not confidential and:
- will be incorporated in full (including person’s name and suburb) into the agenda and minutes of any Council or Committee meeting at which the matter is considered;
- will be available on Council’s website as part of any relevant Council or Committee agenda and minutes;
- must be made available for public inspection in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
Submissions close Thursday 8 October 2020. You can complete a public submission below.