Project Overview

The City of Casey is installing a variety of sensors throughout central Cranbourne, to help us gather data on how the area is currently used and plan for future improvements or developments.

This data will contribute towards the planning of potential streetscape and amenity upgrades in High Street and public spaces like Greg Clydesdale Square and help us achieve the vision for Central Cranbourne set out in the Cranbourne Major Activity Centre Structure Plan 2020, which was informed by the community through consultation in 2019 and 2021.

In addition to the data collected via these sensors, we will also be engaging with the community later this year to seek your feedback on the potential streetscape and amenity upgrades.

What kind of sensors will be installed?

We will be primarily installing "object detection" sensors. These sensors may look like a camera but they do not record or transmit video or images. They are programmed to detect and count the number and types of people and vehicles.

We will also be installing some environmental sensors that can pick up things like micro-climate conditions, temperature, and noise levels.

Where will the sensors be located?

The sensors will be strategically placed in key areas around High Street to help us understand how people currently use the precinct.

This includes Greg Clydesdale Square, Bakewell Street, Sladen Street, Lyall Street, Childers Street, and Cranbourne Station. The sensors will help the City of Casey understand how people use and move through the district, allowing us to track the impact of the revitalisation works on local businesses, public transport users, and pedestrians.

By using smart sensors, we can gather data and insights that will inform the planning of any future projects to ensure disruption can be minimised.

What information will the sensors collect?

The information collected from the sensors will help us identify high-traffic areas, peak hours, and other patterns that can inform decisions on things like street layout, parking, and pedestrian and cyclist access. It will also give us a baseline to measure the success of future projects in terms of increased foot traffic, and improved transport movement.