
Come and share your thoughts about Casey's facilities and open spaces

22 September 2023

The City of Casey has engaged Swinburne’s Master of Design to undertake several research projects with a focus on community engagement. The projects are looking into how codesign practices can support the City of Casey with:

  • Community engagement in community hubs
  • Understanding what people do/would like to do in open spaces
  • Accessibility in open spaces

Residents and community members are invited to the following codesign session to provide their valuable input and test out some engagement tools developed by the students:

WHEN: Thursday 28th September, drop in any time between 3pm – 5pm

WHERE: Cranbourne West Community Hub, 4 Flicka Blvd, Cranbourne West

Google maps link

What is Codesign?

In today’s era of end-user engagement, design students need forums to experiment with tools and techniques that engage with the public. Focus group, observation, and interview are examples of current end-user research methods used by designers. Codesign aims to include end-users’ creative ideas throughout the design process. Codesign is designing with rather than for end-users. Other names for codesign are participatory design, co-creation and inclusive design.

The Brief: Community engagement in collaboration with the City of Casey

Join 46 of Swinburne’s Master of Design students as they experiment with novel codesign tools and techniques proposing design solutions for engaging with projects for the City of Casey. They will trial cutting-edge methods such as design games, think-aloud activities, walk-throughs, dreaming probes and/or journey mapping to codesign innovative solutions to our current project briefs. You are invited to join the design students with their creative and fun activities to codesign toolkits engaging the community to create future solutions.