Consultation has concluded

A New Activity Centres Strategy for Casey

We sought public submissions on the City of Casey’s new draft Activity Centres Strategy 2019 (the Strategy) and the associated planning scheme amendment that will implement it into the Casey Planning Scheme.

Activity centres are the centres of commercial and community life where people go to work, shop, socialise and fulfil other daily service needs. The Strategy will provide guidance on the growth and development of Casey’s 81 existing and future activity centres. It is built around three key themes:

  • Shopping locally.
  • Increasing local jobs, especially higher wage, white-collar job opportunities.
  • Making our activity centres better places to spend time, and more enjoyable.

Activity centres are generally focused around shopping areas, but also contain employment hubs, and community facilities. They vary in size from large centres such as Fountain Gate Narre Warren CBD and Cranbourne Town Centre to small local strip shopping centres like Linden Place in Doveton. They include shops, community centres, libraries and businesses such as accountants or medical centres.

The Public Exhibition of the Strategy and C258 Amendments ran from 14 October to 24 December 2019.

Click this link to view the Draft Strategy: DRAFT Activity Centres Strategy 2019

Click this link to view the Draft Action Plan: Draft Activity Centres Strategy Action Plan 2019

Click this link for an interactive map of Casey's network of activity centres: Activity Centres Map

The Casey Activity Centres Strategy is based on extensive public consultation and economic analysis. It brings a new focus on promoting jobs and economic development within Casey’s activity centres by increasing commercial office floor space and streamlining planning processes. Urban design guidance and clear directions for out-of-centre non-residential use and development are also included. These changes will help protect the character of residential neighbourhoods by encouraging most commercial development to locate in or near activity centres. Much of the City of Casey’s potential for employment growth in knowledge-based higher wage businesses lies in the strength and vibrancy of its network of activity centres.

20-Minute Neighbourhoods

A network of activity centres offers convenient access to local shops, services, and jobs for Casey residents. This is a key part of planning for a liveable city.

The network of existing and planned activity centres around Cranbourne


CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

Send your Submission

The planning scheme amendment process is a statutory process that is transparent and public where all parties affected can provide input into the amendment. If you choose to make a submission, you consent to your submission being made public.

As required by the Planning & Environment Act 1987, your submission will be made available for public viewing. The submission will also be provided to other parties involved in the planning scheme amendment process including Planning Panels Victoria, and the Minister for Planning and other third parties.

The panel will produce a public report that will include names of all submitters, and issues raised in submissions. Other public reports (such as Council reports) may contain sufficient information to identify submitters. These reports will remain public indefinitely.

By making a submission, you also give permission for copyright material to be copied and made public.

Consultation has concluded