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You're invited to help shape a new services hub in the heart of Cranbourne

The City of Casey is exploring an exciting new opportunity for the Cranbourne area. The Cranbourne Hub, to be located at 1-3 Lyall Street in Cranbourne, will be a modern, purpose-built space providing a central Hub for Council and community services. The proposed Cranbourne Hub is a "one-stop shop", offering the community easy access to a variety of services in one convenient location.

The proposed Cranbourne Hub is a new community space designed using feedback gathered during previous community engagement and design groups. These groups have worked together to ensure the building meets the community's priorities, aspirations, and service needs. The Hub will house the Connected Libraries (Cranbourne branch), the City of Casey’s Customer Service and the Cranbourne Youth Information Centre all in one convenient location. This centralisation of services is intended to make it easier for the community to access important resources and support in a single, accessible place.

Peninsula Community Legal Centre has been identified as a preferred community service to be included in the proposed Cranbourne Hub concept design. The project is expected to cost $40.3 million and will form part of Council's Capital Works program.

  1. We want your feedback. Share your thoughts on the community-informed proposed Cranbourne Hub concept design to ensure the space works for everyone.
  2. How would you use the space? We want to understand your feelings and preferences for the Cranbourne Hub's design. How can we make this space work for you and the community?
  3. Stay in the loop: We’re keeping the community involved every step of the way. Your feedback will help ensure the final design reflects what’s best for everyone using it.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the proposed concept design.

The consultation closes on Sunday, 16 March 2025 (11.59 pm)

Project Timeline

Project Timeline

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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Laura Wake

Senior Community Facilities Planner

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How you can influence the project

  • Negotiables

    • Some elements of the design
  • Non-negotiables

    • Budget allocation for the project
    • Services within the building
    • The proposed location of the Cranbourne Hub
    • The scale of the building
    • Assets and services outside of the 1-3 Lyall property footprint

Draft Concept Design

View from laneway

Behind high street shops between Stawell Street and Lyall Street Cranbourne.

*Image is indicative only

Current After proposed construction

View from south west corner

1-3 Lyall Street Cranbourne

*Image is indicative only

Current After

View from south east corner

1-3 Lyall Street Cranbourne

*Image is indicative only

Current After proposed construction

Ground Level Concept Plan

Level 1 Concept Design

Level 2 Concept Design

For more information or alternate ways to provide your feedback, please get in touch via the following methods:

  • Online via the form on this page
  • Email Laura Wake, Senior Community Facilities Planner,
  • Phone 9705 5200
  • Community in-person pop-ups, more information can be found in the timeline of this page.
  • Q&A function on this page
  • Post to City of Casey, PO Box 1000 Narre Warren, Victoria 3805
  • Anonymously via the postal, phone or email details above.

Materials can be provided in printed format upon request.

The consultation closes on Sunday, 16th March 2025 (11.59 pm).

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City of Casey

(03) 9705 5200
PO Box 1000, Narre Warren VIC 3805
ABN: 43 320 295 742