
Looking After Yourself

12 August 2020

Hey parents and caregivers

It’s pretty easy to recognise that you are having a hard time but not so easy to find the energy and motivation to do something about it.

Here in Youth Counselling we recognise that the mental wellbeing of children and young people relies on parents and caregivers being well too.

So come on, give us a call and we can help you work on ways to enhance your mental fitness. The service is free and you can contact us by phone on 9792 7279, or text on 0417 347 909.

In the meantime you might find some of these resources helpful:

Here are some great suggestions about taking care of yourself

If you are looking for support during the hours that the family are in bed try calling Parentline on 13 22 89

There is also a great helpline specifically catering to carers