
Youth Month 2020

19 November 2020

Graphici of male figure popping out of an envelope

It is Youth Month from Nov 15-Dec15!

Here in YCaSS, we are privileged to share in the stories of young people. We hear about their strengths, see their growth, and listen to their hopes for a positive future.

We thought we would share some feedback young people gave us about their experiences with counselling.

“Counselling has helped me gain insight in my everyday life and develop tactfulness for situations that have proven to be difficult and almost impossible to solve. Working through the issues and looking at different pathways has helped me overcome barriers to reach my goals in life”. -Young person, November 2020

“I’ve required using the Casey Counselling service a few times since finishing high school. Everybody I have spoken to has been professional and aims to understand their clients and bring them to a level of understanding to help them cope with their lives continuing outside of the consultation. There’s no one-path-suits-all for mental health and the services provided by the counselling team mirror that.”

-Young person, November 2020

Join us in celebrating Youth Month and listen carefully for the positive messages our young people share with us everyday!