A big thank you to all of you! We're very excited to have you as 'Shape your City' Ambassadors and welcome you to your Ambassador Hub.

This Hub has been designed to help best support you in promoting the Shape your City program and to connect you with other Ambassadors in the network.

It’s a great place to share what you're doing to promote the program and offer learnings and tips along the way. You can feel free to ask us any questions you have in promoting the program. We’ve also provided some social, e-mail and presentation material for you to use with your contacts, groups and networks. We’ll update these and your Hub as best we can based on your feedback and needs throughout the program.

We also commit to being open about the engagement challenges we’re experiencing and value any support and ideas you may have to help overcome them. Together, we know we can make sure that the many voices of Casey matter and help shape a great future for our City.

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