
Get Ready to Shape Your City

10 September 2020

Our Shape Your City project launches Monday 14 September.

We’re so excited to invite all of our community members to support the creation of Council’s next four-year Council Plan, as well as various other important documents that help determine the future of our city.

Shape Your City demonstrates Council’s commitment to involving our residents in future planning, allowing you to have your say on the community where you live work and play.

We are also committed to being open and transparent about what we hear and how we are responding.

Two 45-minute webinars will be held following the launch of Shape Your City.

These will provide information and guidance on how to get involved in the various online and remote options, to ensure your voice is heard during these challenging times.

Join us to get tips and hints on how to involve your friends, family, and colleagues, or simply find out ways that you can be involved.

The webinars will be held on Monday 21 September, with two options, including a 4.00 pm session followed by a second session at 7.30 pm.

To register, visit the links below:

Your voice matters. Join the conversations from Monday 14 September.