About Living Labs

A Living Lab is a collaborative space where people come together to solve big challenges facing our community to ensure the health and well-being of the community and the preservation of the local environment.

  • Problem

    A complex issue that can only get worse if it isn't addressed with innovative solutions. Examples include: fostering digital inclusion, enabling the transition towards a more sustainable and circular economy, or improving safety and inclusivity in local public transport.

  • People

    A diverse group of people, including businesses, start-ups, non-profits, universities and community members that bring skills, technologies, and solutions to be co-designed and tested with the community. Council plays an instrumental role by acting as a facilitator, supporting and co-funding activities.

  • Place

    Dedicated physical or virtual spaces within Casey to enable real-world testing of innovative services, technologies, and solutions. These places need to be within community reach, so solutions can be developed and tested for Casey's unique needs.

Smart Casey Launchpad and Living Labs

Living Labs are part of our Launchpad program.

A large focus of the second year of the Launchpad implementation has been on the execution of two Living Labs, with the first one addressing challenges relating to Digital Equity in Doveton, and the second one focused on enabling a more sustainable and Circular Economy in Casey.

We are now about to launch our third Living Lab that will help us understand possible solutions for a safe, accessible, sustainable and smart future mobility in Casey.

Find out more about our previous, current and upcoming Living Labs at the links below.

What challenges would you like Casey to address via a Living Lab?

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