2024 Casey Community Awards

Nominations for the Casey Community Awards 2024 are now open

Do you know someone in Casey who consistently goes above and beyond to make a difference? An individual or group who embodies community spirit and contributes to making Casey a wonderful place to live?

Then you should nominate them for a Casey Community Award!

The City of Casey has been celebrating community contributors for over two decades through our awards program, and during that time we have recognised many outstanding individuals and groups in fields like sport, arts, multiculturalism, humanities and community service.

The awards are now open to all Casey residents, not just Australian Citizens, and nominations can be made for individuals or community groups for their contribution to the Casey community in either a professional or volunteer capacity. Outstanding contribution and community service may include, but are not limited to, charitable and voluntary services, education, the environment, sport, multiculturalism, arts, or fund-raising. There are categories that include young people, seniors, and underrepresented groups such as people with disabilities, and our LGBTIQA+ communities.

Nominations for the 2024 Casey Community Awards are now open until Monday 16 October 2023. Shortlisted finalists will be invited to attend a special celebration evening on Friday 22 March, 2024.

To nominate somebody for a Casey Community Award, complete the nomination form below.